Listeria outbreak from sliced meat at deli counters is suspected in two deaths.

FDN Team
2 Min Read

Listeria outbreak:

According to federal health officials on Friday, there has been an outbreak of listeria food poisoning linked to sliced meat at grocery store deli counters, resulting in at least two deaths and over two dozen hospitalizations.


At least 28 people in a dozen states have been sick, though the biggest number, seven, were in New York, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The deceased came from New Jersey and Illinois. Samples were collected from May 29 to July 5, and so far, all of the people known to be part of the outbreak have been hospitalized.

A large number of the outbreak’s victims stated that they had eaten meat that had been chopped at deli counters in supermarket stores. So far, there’s no information showing that people are getting sick from prepackaged deli meats, the CDC said. People most regularly reported eating deli-sliced turkey, liverwurst, and ham, officials added. The CDC lacks sufficient information to identify the specific deli meats that are causing the outbreak.

Listeria infections typically cause fever, muscle aches, and tiredness, and may cause stiff necks, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions. Symptoms can occur quickly or up to 10 weeks after eating contaminated food. The infections are especially dangerous for people older than 65, those with weakened immune systems, and pregnant people who can have miscarriages. The age range of those affected by this outbreak is 32 to 94, with a median age of 75. Officials said that although one pregnant person became ill, the pregnancy was still there.

Know more.. about Listeria outbreak


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